About Us




Weekly Activities & Programs


Small Group Bible Study for all ages – Sunday, 9:45 am  (nursery provided)

Worship – Sunday, 10:55 am & 6:00 pm  (nursery provided)

Children’s Church (every Sunday morning following the song service, small children ages 4 to 8 dismiss to the fellowship hall directly below the sanctuary)

Children’s Sermon (every other Sunday during worship)



Youth & Children’s Activities, Wednesday, 6:00 – 7:30 pm

Children’s Choir, Wednesday 5:15-6:00 pm During the school year  (meal provided)   

Adult Prayer Meeting & Bible Study – Wednesday, 6:00 pm Year round (nursery provided)

Adult Choir Practice – Wednesday, 7:15 pm During the school year


Tuesday & Thursday:

Mother’s Day Out – 9:00 am – 3:00 pm for preschool children During the school year


Special Events


High Attendance Sunday, Fall Festival, Softball, 5th Quarter Fellowships, Special Services, See You/Saw You at the Pole Rallies, High Attendance Sunday, Thanksgiving Dinner, Community Thanksgiving Service, Dove Hunt



Choir Christmas Program, Christmas Caroling & Parties, Candle Light Service, Christmas Goodies Deliveries, Valentine’s Banquet, Winter Studies, New Year’s Eve Celebration, Super Bowl Parties



Choir Easter Cantata, Holy Week Services, Easter Eggstravaganza, Youth Mystery Trip, Mother/Daughter Banquet, Youth Garage Sale, Missions Recognition Night


Vacation Bible School, Mission Trip/Mission C-City, Youth Camp, Pre-teen Camp, Children’s Camp, Swim Parties, Picnics, Ice Cream Socials, God & Country Service, 4th of July Fellowship


Additional Activities:

Youth Disciple Now, Movie Nights, Game Nights, Distributions (books to the hospital, door to door), Movies at 3M Palace Theater, Youth Bible Studies 


Small group studies:

money management, marriage, parenting, and video studies such as "GriefShare, You’ll Get Through This", "Fearless", "Not a Fan", "Biblical Leadership", "Welcoming the Stranger", Beth Moore studies for women, and more. 


Doctrinal Statement

The church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of “The Baptist Faith and Message” as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 1963.

Organized Ongoing Ministries 

Online Ministry -- Live worship services are available weekly on Sunday morning on Facebook and YouTube. Website - www.ccityfbc.org


Nursing Home Services -- Periodic services at the nursing home


Jail Ministry – Periodic services at the county jail for both men and women


Funeral Meals – Prepared & provided by our hostess committee for bereaved families as needed


Adopt a Campus – Partnering with the local schools to encourage staff & students.


Additional Ministries are carried out throughout the year by Deacons & Sunday School classes. Past examples include:  school backpacks, burden bear ministry, bananas to the nursing home, The Lord’s Supper to the Homebound, support for the school nurse, and others.



Relationships & Partnerships

Community Mission:  benevolence for food & clothing

Ministerial Alliance:  benevolence for emergency & bill assistance

Samaritan House:  free weekend housing for families visiting inmates

Christmas in Action:  home repair and maintenance for local needs

Kairos Prison Ministry:  hosting of semi-annual ministry to inmates

Prison Ministry:  Support of the ongoing local prison chaplaincy program

Church Starts:  New Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Colorado City


Texas & Worldwide:
Baptist General Convention of Texas: statewide partnership

Southern Baptist Convention: national partnership

Baptist World Alliance:  worldwide partnership

Circle Six Baptist Encampment:  area encampment

TeamDockrey through World Venture as they serve in Kandern, Germany



How to join the church/how to become a member


1. Come forward for baptism, professing Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.


2. Come by statement of faith and Christian baptism, having embraced Jesus as Savior and Lord which has been followed by believer’s baptism by immersion.


3. Come by promise of letter from another Baptist church.


Opportunity to join the church is given at the conclusion of each worship service during the invitation song. 



If you would be interested in more information about the church or have questions about becoming a member,

 please contact us at the church office – 325-728-3442.